From 330 to 340 AD, CONSTANTINE and his sons struck a coin commemorating the city and its protector: Constantinopolis. The portrait shows her helmeted bust dressed in military garb, carrying a spear, surrounded by her name.
The coin’s reverse shows the goddess Victoria, inspired by Nike in Greek mythology. But she looks somewhat different. And the reverse of the coin is shown on the front of the holder. Why? There is a reason for this.
In 312 AD,, Constantine began the process of converting the official religion of the Roman Empire to Christianity, but still needed to transition the population from traditional paganism. One of the effects of this was the evolving design of the image of Victoria, who gradually over years morphed into the image of an angel.
This was Constantine’s “Guardian Angel coin”. And she appears on the front of the holder for this reason. Legend has it that the owners of this coin acquire their own Guardian Angel.
This is your opportunity to own a tiny piece of Roman History
This is the coin you will receive.
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